I was at Moseley Hall in the 60's and during my spell in the sixth-form, Colin Saxton became our new Art teacher. To cut a long story short, I helped to build the original horse-tram which started it all and took a few photos of it, which have recently come to light. The track and first chassis which became the tram came from Jackson's brick works at Adswood, near Stockport, now a landfill site. However, the side-tipper came from somewhere else and I have a photo of that in its original surroundings but can't remember where it was. Unfortunately, I never took one of it in horse-drawn action, as that was at a school fete and I had a Saturday job which kept me out of the way. By the look of these, everything looks fairly complete, which would date them to around May/June 1969.
.....which just goes to remind us all that, although Apedale is something of a newcomer to the UK's population of heritage railways, the Moseley organisation will celebrate its Golden jubilee in the next few years. We still have a few members who hark back to the earliest years. Obviously, things have changed beyond all recognition in the interim. For example, we now insist that the younger members wear long trousers and something better than sandles when we give them a pick-axe to swing at the track. A big thank you to Alan for sharing these photos with us.