It's been AGM weekend at Apedale, where - once again - the Trustees subject themselves to close scrutiny from the membership. Fortunately, this year at least, no rubber gloves were needed. Once the mighty machineries of Democracy and Accountability had run their course, it was time to have a bit of play. It seems to be a bit of an AGM day traditional that the more obscure members of the loco fleet have an outing. So, the Deutz had a run. A gaggle of the youunger members decided to try hand starting it. Once again, experience and laziness triumphed over youthful energy, and it ended up being tow-started. The World War One Motor Rail MR1369 had an outing, as did the SMH G class loco. The G class is heading for an outing at Leighton Buzzard later in the year, hence its being awoken from a long slumber in the Red Shed. Possibly the highlight of the day came when both the Deutz and MR1369 managed to find themselves incapacitated at the far end of the running line, with only the G class available to go and rescue - perhaps the biggest load it has moved for donkey's years.
We don't usually namecheck people - but the driver of the G class rescue mission in the photo is Mel Roberts, who stepped down at the AGM having been Treasurer for 21 years. Apparently, his opening line at his first meeting as Treasurer was to denounce Decimalisation as an unnecessary complication. The Trust owes Mel a huge debt of gratitude.
The Trust's aim is to build a museum and a railway to display its collection of industrial narrow gauge equipment that has been gathered from various industries around the UK in the last 30 years, and in doing so we aim to educate and entertain both the general public and the railway enthusiast.
The Industrial Narrow Gauge Railway is an unusual aspect of British Industrial Heritage that is now almost extinct. These small, self-contained railway systems were often hidden away from the general public and served such diverse industries as brickmaking, sewage works, munitions factories, mines, civil engineering and many more.