A couple of weeks ago, we saw the new diamond crossing for the field railway under construction in the workshops at Apedale. We have not been idle in the meantime! Fortunately, the road system installed as part of the Tracks to the Trenches set-up allowed the crane to stand on a hard surface. Such places tend to be in short supply in the more remote areas of the site, but thankfully we were able to use the crane with no risk of sudden attacks of gravity. Miraculously, the rather rough measurements of the "hole" into which the crossing was to go proved to be pretty close to the mark, and hence the "joining-up" process, although always fiddly, wasn't too traumatic. It was then necessary to build new railway to make the fourth side of the crossing. This is the third side of the triangle, and if you are struggling with the concept, then I recommend the Open University course on advanced geometry (are they still on at 4am in black and white?). This new bit of railway crosses a site road, with all the complications associated with level crossings. But it's all more-or-less finished now, as you can see in the photos. Meanwhile, the PW Engineer has been marking out the next project for the track gang. Mercy - he doesn't know the meaning of the word. If you do, get in touch