Robinson, Moseley Railway Trust Chairman said When we reviewed the success of
the September 2014 Tracks to the Trenches Gala, we identified that September
was becoming saturated with events aimed at the railway enthusiast. We have
therefore taken the decision to move the date of the 2015 Locos from Leeds Gala
to May 16 and 17. We are hoping that this will increase the number of visitors,
as there will be fewer competing railway events at that time of year.

As is
traditional now at Apedale Galas, there will be a full complement of model
railways and trade stands for the entertainment of visitors. The replica World
War One Trench system – built for the Tracks to the Trenches event – will be
open for visitors, with military re-enactor groups working to bring to life the
experiences of soldiers in that conflict.
The Trust
would be delighted to hear from anyone with a Leeds-built item that they may
wish to exhibit at the event.
The event
will be open from 1100 to 1700 on Saturday and Sunday 16 and 17 May. Entry
prices are Adults £6 and Children £3. The popular “Access All Areas” passes
will once again be available, priced at £15. These passes are made available in
limited numbers and allow access to otherwise off-limits part of the site for
the serious enthusiast photographer. All
tickets will be available for purchase on the gate, or in advance. Details of
advance ticket purchase release will be advised in due course.
As ever, get in touch here.