A major milestone was reached and passed on Saturday with the Moseley Railway Trust's rebuild/reconstruction/replica (delete as seen fit) of a Hudson toastrack coach. After months of work by a small team on the vehicle bogies, said bogies were finally re-united with the underframe of the vehicle. And it all fitted (more or less). And there were no obvious missing bits. Flushed by their success, the team took the embryonic vehicle for a trundle to the scenic delights of Apedale Road - where it is seen with one of the MRT's trusty Wingrove & Rogers battery locos. It went from one end of the railway to the other, and it didn't fall off the track and nothing fell of the vehicle. Overwhelmed, they went and had a drink and a biscuit after that. 

Meanwhile, down in the bottom yard, first impressions were that the scrapman had abandoned some his more desperate artifacts. However, second impressions were that these are the remains of a number of new locos and wagons from the Howard Collection; this is, as the name suggests, a collection of the products of J F Howard, a rather obscure engineering company based in Bedford. Only three Howard locos survive - the narrow gauge type "S" now awaiting restoration in our yard, and standard gauge locos based on the Bluebell Railway and at the Ribble Steam Railway. So they're rare beasts. As ever, get in touch here.