Another busy time at Apedale, home of the Moseley Railway Trust. This weekend has shown the wide diversity of work which is done by our volunteers. At one extreme we have the Ballast Gang. As regular readers will know, the Apedale Valley Light Railway is noted for its propensity to require huge amounts of ballast, all of which gets loaded using the lovingly cared-for Fordson tractor into a ballast hopper on loan from our friends at the Golden Valley Light Railway (to whom we must extend our continuing thanks). Said hopper is then trundled down the railway, opened, and the ballast spread into something approximating to its desired final position. This is not, it is fair to say, a subtle operation, and tends to appeal to those who regard a 7lb hammer as a tool of precision. 

On the other hand, one of our less physical members spent a day lettering the Baguley petrol loco, no.1695; it now carries the abbreviated name of its previous owners, a pleasure railway at Lilleshall Abbey, on both sides. The loco is being prepared for an outing later this year to Wicksteed Park.
So, the point is that whatever your abilities or inclinations, we can find something productive for you to fill the day with. What's stopping you? Get in touch here - we'll even provide the hammer.