It is perhaps worth reminding ourselves that the king of the railway Internal Combustion engine is the Diesel (or, if you are from Lincoln, the "Oil Engine"). To be fair, the Diesel Delights event - October 7 & 8 - will feature both compression-ignition and spark-ignition IC locos. However, that really doesn't make for a snappy event title, does it? One loco which will hopefully feature is the newly-repaired Hunslet "Twusk", seen having a run out at the weekend before slumbering in a container for a while. The event organisers have decided that, with over 60 IC locos on site, we need a few more - just not enough choice. So, we are expecting a few arrivals in the next few weeks, both permanent residents and visitors. In the latter category is Motor Rail 11258, a 60HP loco which is the twin of resident No.13. MR11258 was also at Pilkington's Glass sand pits, as their No.12. So, we'll have No.12 and No.13 together. Keep watching for more announcements!
The Trust's aim is to build a museum and a railway to display its collection of industrial narrow gauge equipment that has been gathered from various industries around the UK in the last 30 years, and in doing so we aim to educate and entertain both the general public and the railway enthusiast.
The Industrial Narrow Gauge Railway is an unusual aspect of British Industrial Heritage that is now almost extinct. These small, self-contained railway systems were often hidden away from the general public and served such diverse industries as brickmaking, sewage works, munitions factories, mines, civil engineering and many more.