Aimed firmly at
families with younger children, August 13 and 14 sees the Teddy Bear’s Outing
weekend. We’ll be running steam train on both days – and children who bring a
cuddly friend will get to travel free! There will also be a Bear Spotting Quiz,
with small prizes for children who manage to spot all the bears on their
journey to Apedale Road and back.

Our autumn
enthusiasts event is the Steam Centenary Weekend, on October 8 and 9. This
event will mark the 100th birthday of two of our steam locomotives –
the Hudswell Clarke and the Kerr, Stuart Joffre loco. Apart from sharing the
same year of construction, their subsequent careers had little in common; the
Hudswell worked in Ghana before coming to a nasty end in a river during a
rainstorm. Halfway across the world, the Joffre worked rather closer to home
in a quarry in Northern France. The birthday boys will be supported by our
other steam loco Stanhope, a mere stripling at just 99 years old. The fleet
of internal combustion locos will be out performing, and it will be possible to
visit our storage sheds.
October 29 and 30 sees the Halloween Spooky Specials, with things that go Bump
in the night…..
For all of the
events, entry will be by purchasing a train ticket – great value at just £2.50
adults, £1.50 children. Trains run from 1130 to 4pm – later into the night at
Santa will, of
course, visit the railway again in December – watch for more details.
Looking further
ahead, May 13 & 14 2017 will see the Apedale Valley Light Railway’s annual
steam gala; 2017 will see the centenary of Stoke-built steam loco Stanhope, the
flagship of the AVLR fleet. The event will mark this anniversary, and will be
focussed around a major exhibition of model railways. It is hoped that a model
railway-led event will become a fixture in the Apedale calendar in years to
As ever, the
team at Apedale would be pleased to hear from potential exhibitors at any of
these events – get in touch.