It was two things at Apedale this weekend. Firstly, it was more than a tad on the wet side. We are led to believe that the Shipping Forecast will, in future, be changed to "Dogger, Fisher, Apedale, German Bight.....". Secondly, it was a Training Day; we have been training a new cohort of steam drivers and Guards, and they are coming along nicely - hopefully our passengers will have some new faces to look at from the start of the season at Easter. The weather wasn't exactly conducive to outdoor working, so riding up and down the railway in the Brake Van wasn't a bad way to spend the day. As ever, get in touch here.
The Trust's aim is to build a museum and a railway to display its collection of industrial narrow gauge equipment that has been gathered from various industries around the UK in the last 30 years, and in doing so we aim to educate and entertain both the general public and the railway enthusiast.
The Industrial Narrow Gauge Railway is an unusual aspect of British Industrial Heritage that is now almost extinct. These small, self-contained railway systems were often hidden away from the general public and served such diverse industries as brickmaking, sewage works, munitions factories, mines, civil engineering and many more.