It's been a weekend of distinctly mixed weather down at Apedale. Saturday was extremely wet, with visitor numbers to match. Sunday was much better, albeit cold. However, the antidote to cold is to work hard. Progress has been made on a number of different projects. The cosmetic restoration of the modern Hunslet "Cat C" has been progressing apace, and the loco is beginning to loook quite good. This loco, from the Bishopton munitions works, is mechanically pretty good - apart from annoyingly squealy brakes - and will hopefully soon look the part as well. Work on the ex-Ffestiniog Railway van has continued, with the roof patches being made and welded in. We're awaiting delivery of the steel floor; when that's fitted, the worst of this project will be over. Just need to clad the vehicle and then fit-out. Finally, the unique Howard petrol loco is coming close to its moment of glory. The overhaul of the gearbox and transmission has been a big job, but that's done now. The remaining key areas are the drive chains and - particularly - the radiator. Hopefully, though, the end of this project is now in sight.