The new Field Railway at Apedale is approaching completion; given that's there's only three weeks to the Big Event, that is probably a Good Thing. We have therefore now started testing all the new track work with a couple of vehicles which have shown as certain affinity for earth faults in the past - specifically, The Water Tank wagon and the Joffre. Cue shudders of fear all round. To some surprise, both vehicles performed impeccably on the Field Railway - but then the Joffre declined to enter the new Museum sidings. Some subtle alterations were taking place, and doubtless the problems will be solved before too long. It better had be, because there aren't many working days left now! The suspense is killing us all. You'll all be able to find out if we succeed (or not) on September 12, 13 & 14. The management have taking to using phrases like "Failure is not an option" and suggesting the PW gang walk alarmingly close to ponds filled with Piranha fish. You can find more about the event
here and don't delay if you want to book advance tickets - the deadline for this is now VERY close. Get in touch