It's been a frenetic day down at Apedale. Our neighbours at the Heritage Centre had their Mining Gala, which attracted hordes of visitors from far and wide - and a jolly good show it is too. Sadly, Margaret Thatcher was unavailable to open the event, given her well known love of all things mining, so they had to make do with two of the local mayors. The Apedale Valley Light Railway has been operating at peak capacity to ensure that these hordes of visitors can be parted from their ticket money and taken for a trip down the valley. All four coaches in use, and both steam locos, an a super-intensive service. We gave up counting after a while, but something like 20 trains were run, which is pretty good going. Yes, I know the Circle line has something like 20 an hour - but they have slightly more trains and staff than we do. In between times, there was also an opportunity to see the petrol Motor Rail Genesix running with the two Apprentice restored wagons, ex ICI Shevington. These are a real credit to the team which rebuilt them.
The mining gala is happening tomorrow (Sunday) as well, opening time 1030 (we think). As ever get in touch