A couple of major wagon projects are now approaching completion at Apedale. A project has been on-going to restore two bolster wagons. These were originally used at the BR materials depot at Chesterton Junction, which is not the same Chesterton just down the road from Apedale - but actually not too far from Cambridge. Apedale was served by Apedale Junction, so I hope that is all clear? The two wagons have needed a great deal of new steelwork, which was recycled from an old storage tank on site. A stripey pole, looking like a giant Blackpool rock, completes the set. Rumours that the pole has the word "Apedale" written all the way through it are untrue. The pole would not have been used except when the wagons were moved empty; they are still be fitted with the spikey bolster units, which are reminiscent of some nasty Orc weapon from Lord of the Rings. The team responsible for all of this can be glimpsed in the background of the first photo. Meanwhile, a WDLR Class D wagon is also nearing completion - it seen receiving the top coat paint. As ever contact us
here. There are rumours that Flying Oatcakes have been seen on the railway. We could not possibly comment.