The Apedale
Valley Light Railway is a narrow gauge railway which runs through the Apedale
Community Country Park. It uses steam and diesel locomotives to haul the
trains. The railway opened in 2010. It
was built, and is operated, by the volunteers of the Moseley Railway
Trust. The railway operates every Saturday, Bank Holiday Monday and some
Sundays until the end of October.
Robinson, Chairman of the Moseley Railway Trust, said “Councillor Derek
Huckfield has been an enthusiastic supporter of our project here at Apedale.
This grant from the Staffordshire Local Community Fund has allowed us to improve the
appearance and security of our site. It will also counteract anti-social
behaviour and fly tipping on Apedale Road. We are extremely grateful to
Councillor Huckfield for his support”.
To mark the completion of the gates project, a special train was run to Apedale Road, where Phil Robinson officially "closed" the gates for the first time. The photos show this plus a group of MRT members with the gates.
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