A busy day at Apedale has seen a lot of track maintenance carried out. A key part of the track maintenance programme has been tamping the ballast to ensure firm support for the railway. The length of the railway now mandates the use of generators to provide power for the Kango hammers. It's hard going, and the team can perhaps skip tonights trip to the gym. See, we're all heart. Meanwhile, back at the workshops, an uber-shunt took place to allow Stanhope to be converted to a temporary 040 for a boiler inspection. Who knows, we might decide we like it and it can stay like that. Our neighboring shotblasters had dealt with a WDLR bogie frame for a wagon project. Unfortunately, the forklift is hors-de-combat currently, so more innovative means had to be used to get the bogie back onto the railway for work to continue. All part of the rich tapestry which is a day at Apedale. You don't have to be good at tapestry to come along and help - just get in touch here. Finally, a blatant advert for a publication which we advertise in - follow this link.