It's been a day of high drama and rapid, visible, progress at Apedale. After months of preparation and weather-caused frustration, the Moseley Railway Trust has finally been able to start the final track-laying push. Our tame groundworks contractor spent the week sorting out the drainage and running in the base ballast layer (more than 200 tons of the stuff!), and then we were able to start putting into place the pre-assembled track panels and points. Despite the odd fraught moment where we explored the outer limits of the MRT crane's performance envelope, the operation has gone smoothly and safely. By close of play, we had installed two sets of points and 12 panels of plain track - over three hundred feet of new railway. The next steps are to construct the in-situ closure sections - these are the bespoke sections needed to close the gaps. After that, there are the minor issues of installing point levers, facing points locks, ballasting, tamping. So, as you can see, there's still plenty to do and we continue to invite your support - both physically and monetary. Get in touch here.