It's been a little while since we had an Apedale Update, so here goes. The main activities currently are related to the great Storage Shed project. The completion of this building is a key strategic objective for the Moseley Railway Trust, as it will allow the Trust's large collection of narrow gauge locomotives and other artifacts to be concentrated on the Apedale site. Currently, the collection is stored in a number of locations - scattered the length and breadth of the UK, and, believe it or not, France! The Trust's volunteers have laid three tracks into the shed site; one of these is dual, 2'0" and 2'6", gauges. These have now been enrobed in concrete, creating a nice smooth floor for us all to walk on. Hopefully, erection of the steelwork will commence this week. This will be done by contractors, as all the working at height involved is a bit scary for the MRT health & safety department. The first picture shows one of the Apedale workhorses, MR8748 (Leighton Buzzard No.20) contemplating the site of its new home.
Meanwhile, we have been building track panels to link the fan of points to the shed, and these will be installed once a ballast drop has taken place to achieve the correct levels needed. The second photo shows one of our loyal team of volunteers, David, contemplating his handiwork.
Work has also taken place rebuilding a bogie wagon, and the North Staffs heats of the UK's Worst Bricklayer championship have produced a winner.
Perhaps best of all, we've seen an increasing number of new faces recently at Apedale - more are always welcome. We're at work every Saturday, and some Sundays, so (to coin a phrase), Come on Down. Get in touch here. You might (just might) want to have a look into the website a little later this week. You never know what might happen.