There are occasions on which the Moseley Railway Trust team has a Day Out. Such was last Saturday when a good number of members descended on the Snibston Discovery Park at Coalville, Leicestershire. The simple pleasures of looking around this interesting site are, of course, not sufficient to amuse the hardened working members of the MRT. No, we were on a mission. Specifically, to dismantle a load of 2'6" gauge track which has been donated by the Snibston people to the Locomotion museum at Shildon. What was MRT doing? We were asked to help by Locomotion, as we know quite a lot about narrow gauge track. Hopefully, the Locomotion people will repay the favour in the not too distant future.
And so, on a not-too-cold and not-too-wet January day, we set to. Pandrols were hammered out, sleepers stacked, baseplates unscrewed and bolts ground off until everyone was fit to drop. And then we did some more. Who needs a New Year gym membership? Join the MRT, it's cheaper than the gym!
All in all, a very successful day, and hopefully our efforts have reduced the transport bill hugely, by ensuring that only the useful parts are transported.
As ever, we need all the assistance we can get, so why not get in touch here.
The photos show one of the Snibston battery locos in front of the headgear, and one of our members getting down'n'dirty with Mr Anglegrinder.
Snibston's website is at http://www.leics.gov.uk/museums/snibston and Locomotion is at http://locomotion.sedgefield.gov.uk/ccm/portal/.