Monday 7 October 2013

Who Ya Gonna Call??

Another busy weekend at Apedale. It was a training weekend, so various pieces of knowledge were imparted into various brains. It's the look of the bright, eager young faces which makes it all seem so worthwhile. Meanwhile, elsewhere, the restoration of the Big Hudswell diesel took a major step forward with the re-unification of the wheelsets and the frames. It's the first time something has been re-assembled - as distinct to taken apart - so this was a big day for the project. It was noteworthy that the the wheeled frame rolled a lot more easily than before, and then horrendous screaching from one of the axleboxes has gone away, suggesting that we are heading in the right direction with the project. Speaking of horrendous things, and moving on the from the recent invasion of the Killer Tea Cups, the shed appears to have become invested with Monster Mutant Spiders, which have colonised the Joffre. There have been a lot of spooky goings-on at Apedale, and these are expected to reach a peak for the first-ever Halloween weeked - the 26th & 27th of October. Check out the AVLR website for details. We think we need some sort of Ghost-busting service. We have some old vacuum cleaners, so we might try and give it a go ourselves. As ever, get in touch here.