Saturday 28 September 2013

The Killer Tea Cups of Apedale

The European Rail Heap is no more. It has been replaced by the considerably tidier, and less muck-encrusted European Stack of Rail. Once again, quite a few of the Moseley Railway Trust members went home with no need to go to the gym this week. One member was viciously attacked by a Killer Tea Cup and ended up in A&E, where it was pronounced that they could save the Tea Cup, but individual in question would have to be sacrificed. Still, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few tea cups. Hopes still remain high that the Museum can be entirely funded by finding gold in the muck of the rails, and the CME has now resorted to gold panning. He is nothing if not optimistic. Meanwhile, preparations for the new Halloween event are taking shape elsewhere on the site. This prompted an overheard phrase "I must go and check if my gravestones are ready yet". Now there's something you don't hear everyday. For further information on gravestones or Killer Tea Cups, get in touch here.