Wednesday 8 February 2012

Contractor's Delight

The Moseley Railway Trust (MRT) is pleased to announce that the 2012 September Gala will be themed around Contractor’s Railways. Until the advent of the dumper truck, most major civil engineering projects would have a narrow gauge railway for materials movements on site – and indeed some still do, especially in the field of tunnel construction.

The Gala will be held on Saturday and Sunday 8 & 9 September 2012. It will be open from 1100 to 1700 on each day. Admission will be £6 adults, £3 for children aged 2 to 15.

As usual, there will be steam and diesel trains on the 2’0” gauge Apedale Valley Light Railway, along with trade stands, model railways and lots of other exhibits to interest young and old.

Phil Robinson, MRT Chairman, said "This year, we will celebrate the role which the narrow gauge railway played in building the UK’s infrastructure – roads, dams, housing estates, the list is endless. This is a little known facet of the history of railways in the UK, and part of the mission of the Moseley Railway Trust is to educate and inform our visitors about this aspect of industrial heritage”.

Further details will be announced in time. The MRT’s event team would be particularly pleased to hear from vintage plant owners who may wish to exhibit and hopefully demonstrate their machines. The Apedale site is under continuous development, and the Trust is hoping that it may be able to have some site roads built during the event!