Saturday 26 March 2011

AGM day

It's been the Moseley Railway Trust's Annual General Meeting. Held in the conference room at the adjacent Heritage Centre, it's the annual opportunity for the membership to hold the Trustees to account, and thereby set strategic policy for the organisation going forward. Or something. Anyway, it was good to see many members who (in some cases) are not regular visitors to the site. A small milestone was reached with the news that the membership number has now surpassed the 200 barrier. The "ST" Stoke-area post codes now predominate, which illustates the change in the organisation from a few years ago, when SK-ites (from Stockport) predominated. After a remarkably calm and well-ordered meeting, there were relatively few entrails to scrape off the meeting room walls, and everyone went outside to run the trains. If you fancy setting a bit of strategic policy of a Saturday afternoon, get in touch here. More importantly, next Saturday 2/4/11 is the FIRST DAY OF THE 2011 RUNNING SEASON - passenger trains from 1100 (all being well). Oooh, I can 'ardly wait.