Tuesday 20 July 2010

A sigh of relief

To coin a phrase, it's been quite a week down the Valley. The Summer Working Week for the Moseley Railway Trust at Apedale has been and gone. It's called the Summer Working Week due to the traditional selection of the wettest week available between May and September. Many projects have made good progress, of which the most visible has been with the Hudson Toastrack coach. This is a reconstruction (not a replica, or a rebuild or any other words like that) of vehicles used on the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland in the 1920s. The MRT vehicle now has the beginnings of a roof, and hopefully the first glimmerings of the light at the end of this particular tunnel are now in site. The first photo shows the team sitting down on the job. Honestly, anyone would think they'd been busy. Elsewhere, a lot of work was put into the track and generally sorting out the railway in anticipation of the visit from the Man from the Ministry. The MFTM has now been, and seen, and pronounced himself basically happy. There's a few minor issues to be sorted, but it looks like we have the green light for passenger carrying (or, as you can see below, perhaps a green flag is more appropriate). Therefore, the event on the 18th & 19th September really WILL BE the Grand Opening of the Apedale Valley Light Railway. As ever, get in touch here.