There are some days when it all seems to fall into place easily and to plan. Conversely, there are days when everything seems to be a struggle. The Moseley Railway Trust's CME seems to have had one of the latter days. The job was to fit a Klaxon warning horn to the Hudson brake van. Not really needed, but authentic and a nice finishing touch. His personal manservant, Sergei, assured him that the job was "simples". And doubtless, some considerable number of hours later, the task seemed "simples". He seemed happy enough with the job in the end. By the way, we have some spares of the Hudson transfers used on this vehicle - if anyone wants one, get in touch. The perfect compliment for a modern dining room, I'm sure you'll agree. Meanwhile, an outside gang spent the day dodging the downpours, but seemed to have some success with installing some rather splendid section signs made for us by our friends at Leander Architectural, to whom many thanks. As ever, get in touch here.