For the first time in what seems like an age, we have actually managed to find the railway at Apedale. Apparently it's the wood & metal thing which has been buried in the deep freeze. This revelation has allowed track laying to recommence. This week's project has been to install one of the rebuilt points. Using the Moseley Railway Trust's crane makes this sort of thing relatively easy. Anyone who has been to the Apedale site will recognise the Aurora North storage shed in the background, which is slowly but surely being surrounded by 2'0" gauge railway. The point has gone in on the east side of the building, and now forms part of a downhill ramp. Ultimately, this will form the route down into the bottom yard and thence to a recreated industrial railway; in the short term, we'll be storing the wagon fleet here. In case you're looking at the photos and assuming that we have finally gone mad (a reasonable belief, I grant you), the point will eventually lead to a siding over an inspection pit. A fair bit of ground make-up is needed before that can happen. In the meantime, the point will need to be firmly clamped into the normal position to avoid the mother of all derailments! If you want to lend a hand at avoiding such horrors, get in touch here.