Well, that was Open Weekend 2009. The visiting engines have all returned home, the site has returned to its normal self, and the organising team's blood pressure has dropped from the previous dangerous levels. We were certainly blessed by the weather, and it was could to see so many faces on the site - many friends, old and new. This will be the last open weekend in this format, because the next time we open the site up, the Apedale Valley Light Railway will be in its full passenger carrying glory. A highlight for me was the Sunday transhipment demonstrations using the Sentinel steam lorry - learning from Saturday, we timed this to get the sun in the right place for photos! So, enjoy my favourite photos from the event. This weekend, it's back to reality at Apedale, as the Moseley Railway Trust's volunteer team resume the task of railway building. If you fancy joining in, get in touch. If you came along to the open weekend, and have comments, positive or negative, let us know. Contact us here.