Saturday 6 September 2008

Getting Ready

It's been a day of frenetic activity at Apedale. Even the weather has been kind (ish) to a good turnout of Moseley Railway Trust members as they have swarmed over the site, cleaning this, tidying that and rearranging the other. Why, I hear you ask rhetorically? Because it's now less than a week to the first Apedale Open Day. The visiting engine-ometer now seems to firmly point at three. These are the steam loco Stanhope, which is already on site, and can be seen on test runs here:-

The other two visitors are a Lister Blackstone from Gloucestershire and a rarely-seen battery loco from Shropshire, making an unusual foray across the county line. Oh, and as if that wasn't enough, there is the 50-odd MRT fleet assembled all around the site and chugging here, there and everywhere with demonstration goods trains. There will be a good selection of trade stands and lots of other outdoor displays. How can you resist? And such good value at £4 adults/£2 concessions.

If you want to know more, look here, or why not contact us here.

Turn up and you may even find out why someone is screwing a cardboard lozenge to a wall. And just in case you don't like cardboard lozenges, I've even included a couple of loco pictures this week.